Version 1.1

Revision History


Enhancement Details

Banking Screen

The new screen is accessible from the home page and provides the ability to update multiple daily returns banked amount & dates.

The screen allows you currently to choose either a site or a site range to search upon, and if it is by specific site you can input a date range to a maximum period of 30 days, and if by site range then only 1 day.  

On clicking “GO” the list of daily returns will be displayed by site and by date with the banked amount, credit amount (if enabled), banked date and status (if “In Use”) editable.  

At the bottom of the screen there is a calculate button that updates the “under/over” figure and an update button that updates all daily returns with the new values.  The update will also calculate the “under/over” before saving.

Daily Return - Previous Meter Readings

The previous meter readings are now visible against a program wash if you place your mouse over the start or end number labels on the meter program tab, the display will then remain visible for 10 seconds.

Daily Return - Zero Day

On the daily returns screen there is a button called “Zero Day” that can be pressed against any daily return that has no business associated with it (including vouchers or tests), as it will then recalculate the meters accordingly and set the daily return to a “completed” status.

Daily Return - Created By & Updated By

In the daily return summary section of the daily return screen the created by, date, updated by and date are displayed.

User Maintenance - Multi Country Access

It is now possible for the Administrator role to enable a user to have access to more than one country through DRS.  In BE for example their usernames will be associated with both BE & LU.

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